About Whit

This blog is a mash-up of myself. And what am I, besides a LOTR nerd? I’m an amalgamation of the sense of humor of a 12 year-old boy, the sensibilities of an 80 year-old man, and the figure of a woman in her twenties. Basically, I’m awesome. But the real focus of this blog is to destigmatize mental illness. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, or, as I like to call it, Everything Is Going To Kill Me and The Apocalypse is Coming.

I believe in laughing. I believe in love. And I believe in punching anyone in the face who doesn’t think those two things are great. I also believe in contradictions (or do I?).

153 thoughts on “About Whit

  1. I have lived with OCD as long as I can remember. Only I wasn’t diagnosed until I was like 12 or 13. You can imagine what my childhood was like for me, a little hell of my own making. Still, although I am being treated, I live with this to this day, and it colors much of what I do, including my writing. I’ll be interested to read some more of your stuff and see if we had similar experiences.

  2. Now that I have stumbled across your blog, I will follow it avidly. I understand your pain and applaud your talent.

  3. I know exactly how you feel. I’ve had anxiety since I was 15, maybe longer than that, and have been medicated since I was 21. I’m actually writing a fiction novel about how I felt living with anxiety as a teenager and finding that seeing a therapist and getting medication is actually not so bad or scary as it seems. I still worry from time to time, but I can handle it. Thank you for telling me your story and I will follow your blog for advice.

  4. I appreciate your unique perspective, and am also fascinated by your educational background. I too am a writing major with political science minor. I look forward to reading more of your blog.

  5. I just stumbled about your blog. I love how it delve into the fears we all have and some we don’t. I read “The Shining”, it was defenitly more scary than the movie.

  6. Hi Whit…I have been following your blog for awhile now and I just love it!!…I have post traumatic stress disorder, so I know all about anxiety…I like that I relate to sooo much of what you write, somehow makes me feel not so alone…I also love laughter, if it wasn’t for my sense of humor I don’t think I would be here today…Just wanted to say hello and thank you so much for writing this blog!!…I’m sure you bring a lot of people the same enjoyment that I get from reading your posts….EXCELLENT work!!…Keep it up! Please!!…Looking forward to more…And thanks again!

  7. I like the way you take digs at your self. That is a lot more interesting than patting your own back or blowing your trumpet or singing your own praises.Except when you think you are awesome.
    PS: I did NOT click the follow button because my kids think you look cute.

  8. Have you ever had a moment where you read someone’s ‘About this human’ and think ‘I wanna be their friend’? I just had that moment. And I’m glad I chose to say that rather than “GAD buddies!! Woo!”

  9. Whit,
    I clicked on like not because you’re cute, and I am not saying you’re not, as I am not an arsehole, neither because you’re a LOTR nerd. Perhaps I’m imagining that you are more into the movies than the novels, and perhaps it prompts me to you being a Peter Jackson fan, and therefore a die-hard fan of Dead Alive.
    Le Clown

    1. I did mostly click like because you’re cute and I don’t know what LOTR means. My daughter was in GOTR, girls on the run at her school, so is it like ladies or lizards or leprechauns on the run??

  10. I followed because of the last sentence, which I believe qualifies me for the light side, albeit on a technicality. I’ll take it.

  11. I feel like your an older me, I’m 17, Heading to Ferris state with a major in political science, and a minor in creative writing.I also happen to love LOTR so much, that I’ve read every book… Alot. I love your blog, It’s actually amazing.

  12. Hi Whitney,

    I found your blog while looking for info on cleithrophobia. I’m still not sure that’s what getting anxious in traffic jams is called, but that’s what’s driving me nuts! You have a good writing style and a good sense of humour. You are also beautiful, I won’t say cute; kittens are cut, not people. I’m British, so getting a compliment off me is almost like getting a medal from the queen of England; except better…

  13. You sound a lot like me when it comes to the fear of giving birth. Hence the following. But I will not slit throats for you. Just putting it out there. (Too much of The Following, see).

  14. Oh yes, you are cute! I thought only I was that. I haven’t read any of your posts yet, except for the ‘About Me’ section and am already looking forward to following you because I loved the way you put this page out here. You’re gonna be one interesting WP friend πŸ˜‰
    Am also following you because : I believe in laughing. I believe in love. And I believe in punching anyone in the face who doesn’t think those two things are great. I also believe in contradictions…. (Kindred spirits)

  15. I am a bit more useful than you are. Why? I don’t have a degree in political science, just creative writing (a graduate degree).

    Fun blog.

    All the best.

  16. One of the best written blogs I’ve seen on this site. I’m sure you’ve heard all of this before (with the 77 compliments before this one). But a 78th doesn’t hurt anyone. I guess.

    Keep it up, I’ll be following.

  17. Just came across your blog an hour ago. My name is Whitney as well but I am a male Whitney. As a kid that name got me punched, beat up and chased on a regular basis. I tried fighting back but that never worked out very well so after the 5th grade I got rid of the ney and have gone by Whit ever since. I look forward to reading your thoughts of the highest form and yes, you are cute and I haven’t been chased or punched for decades so all is well. The End. Whit

  18. Ok, Im sucked in. Just started my blog this month and all of you amazingly deranged and awesome writers out here are really making me feel both accepted and intimidated. Thanks!

  19. Thank you for your writing skills and sharing your thoughts and feeling… you have translated thought into words.
    ( Btw… you mentioned in a couple post people say “you need to FOCUS”;
    I now reply with “no, you need to FOCUS”
    {FOCUS = F*** Off Cause Ur Stupid})

    πŸ™‚ Note: if you don’t approve this post because of the definition I understand πŸ™‚

  20. I have to admit – I hit the follow button purely because you named a toilet Frank and became best friends. Sometimes a throne can be the greatest friend because it doesn’t judge you on the acts that you want no one else witnessing. Here’s to the porcelain companion!

  21. You are hilarious, Whit! I can totally relate to not being sure what to do with yourself… I’ve been writing for more than a decade and even after publishing more books than I can count on my fingers with well loved houses… I’m still broke. πŸ™‚ So yea… I understand that. I have found that using my books to prop up broken table legs come in handy.

  22. Fun thing you’ve got going on here! πŸ˜€ Following you for both the writing, and you’ve so sneakily pointed out, also for the cuteness! πŸ˜‰

  23. Love this blog! I wish I had it as together as you do when I was 23, 5 years later I still think I’m a weirdo.

    Then yesterday I saw a woman walking a lamb in Manchester city centre and realised there’s always someone with more issues. It made me feel much better.

    Keep up the good writing – will definitely be following!

    Sophie x

  24. I love your about page! The part, “I believe in laughing. I believe in love. And I believe in punching anyone in the face who doesn’t think those two things are great.” I couldn’t agree with you more. That’s awesome that you are so passionate about writing, I am as well. I gave you a follow and can’t wait to read some posts. πŸ™‚

  25. Okay… um… kind of in love with your blog. And your writing. And you. But not in a creepy “I LOOOOOVE YOUUUU” with heavy breathing, stalker kind of way. Just so we’re clear.

  26. You and I speak the same language: Sarcasm! I’m glad I found your blog. Besides cute girls have an obligation to stick together. (Although…..I am probably old enough to be your mother…..!)

  27. I get the anxiety thing. This introvert is lucky though, I can blame it on my ventricular dysrhythmia – just have to hide it at work. Patients don’t need to add to their problems by having a nervous nurse.

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